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At The Wooly Pig we strive to raise the best possible

food that we know how. Our animals are all raised

outdoors, in the sunshine with constant access to fresh

vegetation and yummy grubs (if they so desire).


The Results Are:


  • Happy critters.

  • More productive land.

  • Meat & eggs that are healthier and much more delicious for our family and our customers.


Unlike many other pastured birds out on the market today, our birds are fed a completely GMO FREE diet, an added cost for us that we feel is a worthwhile investment in our customers health. Genetically modified foods have been linked to toxic and allergic reactions, sick, sterile, and dead livestock, and damage to virtually every organ studied in lab animals. Our GMO free feed is an organic/conventional blend which benefits not only the health of our birds, but our customers as well.


The difference between Pastured and Free Range livestock.


This difference is everything! With so many different types of labels present in our markets today, eating with a conscious can be difficult. Don't be fooled.


Often when people think of Free Range, they imagine an un-fenced bird happily hunting and pecking in the grass. Sadly, this is not the case. The guidelines for the term Free Range only require that the animals have access to the outdoors. This so called access is often one small door on a single wall of a coop that houses thousands of birds. So when someone purchases poultry products labeled free range there is a good chance the animals have never actually seen the light of day or green grass its entire life.


OUR ANIMALS are raised outdoors, with constant access to fresh-growing, palatable vegetation. We move our chickens and rabbits daily to fresh ground where they can get to work foraging for the treats they love best. Our ducks are free to roam wherever they please, typically opting to spend the day down on the pond.

Good Food, Raised Right.

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